Scheme of the B. Miss. Course
First Year
- General Introduction to the Bible
- Introduction to Mission Studies
- Understanding Indian Society
- Understanding Christian Faith & Doctrines
- Christian Education for Social Change
- Intercultural Communication
- Introduction to Major Religions
- Biblical Foundation of Mission
- Survey of Missions through the History
- Study Methods
- English I
- Hindi
- Field Education
Second Year
- Prophets and Mission
- Contemporary Missiological Issues and Challenges
- Survey of Christian Missions in India
- The Life and Work of a Missionary
- Cultures and Contextualization 6) Media and Communication in Mission
- Mission in the New Testament
- Modern Religious and Secular Movements
- Introduction to Christian Ethics in the context of Mission
- Evangelism, Church Planting
- Coversion and Baptism
- English II
- Linguistics
- Hindi
- Field Education
Third Year
- Principles and Methods of Mission
- Introduction to Christian Ministry (Worship, Preaching and Counselling)
- Mission Principles and Practice of Selected Missionaries
- Holistic Mission
- Church Organization and Administration
- Spoken English
- Spoken Hindi
- Project
- Field Education